Some Vaginismus Facts That You Need to Know

Sexual intercourse or easily referred to by most people as sex is something that must bring about a lot of fun and enjoyable experiences on your end and not something that you are just ashamed to express all by yourself or with your partner. When you have sex, you and your partner must both get some satisfaction out of what you are doing. However, it will not be that great of an experience, when one of you suffers some sort of pain such as the woman that will just end up ruining the entire moment for the both of you. There is a name for the condition wherein the woman experiences some pain when they are having sex, that is what you call vaginismus. Despite the fact that vaginismus is a condition that some women from across the globe get to experience, it can be sad to note that not all of them know a great deal about it and even the most people today are still not sure about this condition and the fact that revolve around it. When you are like some women that feels pain while you are having sex, then you are not the only one and you might be one that is suffering from this particular condition you call vaginismus. Now, how did vaginismus came to be? What are the symptoms that tell you that you have this condition? Can you prevent this particular condition? Do you have some treatment for this particular condition you call vaginismus? When you want to learn more about vaginismus, then you have most likely been having these questions and more. This article will give you some basic facts about vaginismus and the answers to some of the most commonly asked question about this particular condition.

Now, why does vaginismus exist?

When the muscles of your vagina get some involuntary spasms leading to you vaginal opening being closed off and now making any form of vaginal penetration painful is what you call vaginismus. This condition is not too common among women; however, since not a lot of women speak up about it, then not a lot of people are well aware of the implications of this particular kind of condition. You need not wonder then why there are no recent statistics of women suffering from vaginismus.

What are the most common symptoms of vaginismus?

Aside from experiencing pain while having sex, when a woman suffers from vaginismus, she also feels a burning sensation around their vaginal area. Since the kind of pain that women suffering from vaginismus feel is way too unbearable, it is that much impossible for them to really have a satisfying sexual intercourse with their partner.

How can you prevent vaginismus from happening to you?

Until now, no studies show any way of preventing vaginismus. But then, the condition might not worsen on the part of the woman when they are able to communicate openly with their sexual partner.

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